Visits by the Lord-Lieutenant

Visits by the Lord-Lieutenant

The Lord-Lieutenant attends as the representative of the King in the county. She attends a wide range of events and ceremonies every year. The Lord-Lieutenant attends visits when it is not possible to arrange a Royal visit. The range of events attended by the Lord-Lieutenant includes voluntary and charity initiatives, award ceremonies and community functions of local significance as well as smaller less formal events.

Requesting a Visit of the Lord-Lieutenant

If you would like to request a visit by the Lord-Lieutenant, please use the contact section and send the following information at the earliest possible date. Such a request will be given every consideration.

  • Date and times of the proposed event.
  • Background information on the organisation and event.
  • Why the organiser believes that a visit by the Lord-Lieutenant is relevant.
  • Full contact details of the organiser.
  • The Do's and Don'ts of a Visit by the Lord-Lieutenant
  • The Lord-Lieutenant or one of her representing deputies attends an event as the representative of His Majesty The King, therefore it is important that the following protocol is followed to ensure that an attendance by the Lord-Lieutenant is trouble free.
  • The Lord-Lieutenant is the principal guest at any event she attends and therefore must take precedence.
  • A representative from the organisation must meet the Lord-Lieutenant  on arrival and host them throughout the event proceedings.
  • The Lord-Lieutenant should be accompanied until their departure.
  • The Lord-Lieutenant should be addressed during the visit as My Lord-Lieutenant, or Sheriff McDonald.
  • Where the Lord-Lieutenant asks the Vice Lord-Lieutenant or one of her deputies to act on her behalf, then the same protocols must be observed.